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“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is “What are you doing for others?” “ – MLK Jr

Our Alpha Chi Sigma Chapter takes part in two specific service projects: Honors in Action and College Project.


The Honors in Action project is a nationally submitted project based upon scholarly research and either advocacy or service. The research provides an opportunity to act.

The College Project allows the chapter to improve the chapter's college in some way. The members meet with the college's administration to meet a need. 

Below are some pictures from our 2020-2021 college project where our chapter replenished and restocked our college food pantry after the initial COVID-19 stay-at-home order. 


Click on the links below to keep up with our most recent service opportunities. 

PTK Service Master List 

Service and Volunteering Slideshow 

If you would like more information about our chapter's service-related events our Vice President of Service, Addison Morris, can be reached at


Cape Fear Community College

Food Pantry

©2021 by Alpha Chi Sigma PTK. Proudly created with

Last date edited 1/30/2023

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